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The search for the operational optimality of front office or support function applications is a major concern for both business lines and CIOs.


The creation of new applications, the evolution of existing ones, the overhaul of processes and of the organization have become essential issues of employee productivity and the competitiveness of companies.


Functional applications… essential for the profession!



Since the launch of our benchmarking platform on the satisfaction of IT users, the results concerning the application area (applications, maintenance, projects, etc.) are generally among the most critical in our surveys. They are often sources of tension between the businesses on the one hand, the IT department on the other and any service providers in the middle (publishers, outsourcers, etc.).

Likewise, the obsolescence of the application park and the shortcomings in change management lead to many complaints on the employee side.

Close collaboration between the business departments and the IT department is therefore essential in order to transform uses and meet user needs.


Carrying out surveys targeting the uses, needs, and suitability of the tools offered allows you to optimize your decisions in terms of:


  • Choice of solutions to adopt
  • Watch during deployment
  • Watch for application maintenance or application fixes
  • Application decommissioning projects


Measure user satisfaction

on their business and everyday applications

Measure the degree of optimality of features

offered by these applications

Measuring the adequacy to needs


Measure the degree of knowledge and suitability of business processes

arising from the integration of an application (support, assistance, security, regulations, etc.)

Measure the degree of user ownership and training

to their applications and business processes.

Measure acceptable SLAs

according to the actual needs of users.



Complete your study with high added value surveys